HUD Secretary Marcia L. Fudge issued a letter to affordable housing providers that established the Biden Administration’s stand on second changes for formerly incarcerated persons and the importance of stable housing in their re-entry into our communities. “No person should exit a prison or jail only to wind up on the streets.” This new guidance will be explored from many different viewpoints.
This is a “hot topic” and there are many questions on how to correctly implement the guidance from HUD. HUD has a new Secretary and she is promoting more changes at HUD. The concentration at this time is how can people released from prisons and jails find adequate housing for themselves and their families. This is the focus of this new guidance.
Landlords need to know how to implement guidance and remain in compliance with the Fair Housing Act.
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Many federal or state-funded, insured or assisted housing programs have an obligation to create and implement an Affirmatively Fair Housing Marketing (AFHM) Plan. The AFMH Plan is a marketing strategy designed to attract buyers and renters of all majority and minority groups, regardless of sex, handicap, familial status, etc. to assisted and insured rental projects and sales dwellings that are being marketed.
The Plan describes initial advertising, outreach (community contacts), and other marketing activities which inform potential buyers and renters of the existence of the units. No applications for applicable HUD-assisted programs may be funded without an approved AFMH Plan.
Who should create an Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan? – Federal Housing Programs all applicants for subsidized and unsubsidized multifamily projects, mobile home parks, and single-family subdivisions of five or more units, spaces, or lots that are funded or insured under certain HUD programs are subject to program requirements that carry an obligation to create an AFHM Plan. Applicants may include Public Housing Authorities, non-profit developers or housing providers, and other HUD program participants.
Many of the following questions will be answered:
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Property managers
Housing authority staff
Compliance staff
Community development staff
Senior housing staff
Property Owners