Drugs in Multifamily Properties

Paul Flogstad

Paul Flogstad

Paul has been involved in the real estate industry for the past 38 years. He has been involved in sales, construction, project management, appraisal, mortgage consulting and brokerage, property management and property management consulting/training. Through his consulting company, Property Management Solutions, he provides training and...
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60 Mins
Paul Flogstad

Fair Housing Rules affect renting to Tenants with an Alcohol or Drug problem or history!

Drugs are a major problem. You as a property owner or manager must learn the strategies to deal with this problem at your property.

This webinar by industry expert Paul Flogstad is intended to help honest tenants rent from responsible landlords while preventing tenants involved in illegal activity from abusing rental properties and the surrounding neighborhoods. We know that, in the past, abuses of the property rental system have come from both sides. We also know that most landlords want to be fair and that most tenants are good people. Responsible property management and ownership begin with the idea that such actions will benefit the whole community. If the information provided is used responsibly, all of us— tenants, landlords, and owner-occupants—will enjoy safer, more stable neighborhoods.

Webinar Objectives

We will cover the benefits of active management and some strategies to accomplish that includes:

  • Applicant screening
  • Tenant criteria
  • Rental agreements
  • Ongoing management
  • Warning signs of drug activity
  • What to do if you discover a clandestine lab
  • Crisis resolution
  • Role of law enforcement
  • Program basics
  • Available resources

Webinar Agenda

The most effective way to address illegal activity occurring on rental properties is a coordinated effort among police, landlords, and neighbors. Efforts are underway to encourage neighbors to assume more responsibility for preventing crime on their blocks. Efforts are also underway to improve the way police address problems with drug activity in residential neighborhoods. What you can do is learn how to keep illegal activity off your property and make a commitment to removing or stopping it the moment it occurs.

Who Should Attend

  • Owners
  • Property managers
  • Maintenance staff
  • Housing Authorities
  • Compliance Staff
  • Developers

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