Paying employees in compliance with federal and state wage and hour laws doesn’t just happen. It takes knowledge, planning and careful execution. From the time an employee is hired until the day the employee terminates regulations must be followed regarding the timing and issuance of his or her paycheck. It starts the day the employee is hired by determining if there are any notices concerning payday that must be furnished or personal notices that the employee must receive concerning their pay amount and deductions and finishes when the final check is cut and deciding whether or not vacation pay must be included. But there is also a vast amount of regulations in between those two events. These decisions are not just made when a company is founded or merged or acquired but must be constantly monitored to ensure compliance and to improve department performance.
One example of this type of on-going decision making concerns the means by which the company pays its employees. Is the company currently using paper checks but feels it could be more efficient and cost effective to require direct deposit or paycards? Can this be done legally is the question put to payroll. And this is not the only area of concern when paying employees. What must a paystub include or do I even have to give a paystub or can I force the employee to accept an electronic paystub instead of paper are a frequently asked questions. Tracking hours is another area of constant flux for payroll. Many times employers want to track hours worked for supervisors or managers but is it legal? Can you ask an exempt employee to record their hours worked and still maintain their exempt status? And of course the one area of payroll that is in constant flux from new legislation and court cases is whether or not vacation pay must be paid out when an employee terminates. In other words, can I still follow our company’s policy or do we need a new policy for all employees or just ones in certain states. These and many more topics will be discussed in this webinar.
This webinar focuses on the rules and regulations for paying employees from the time they are hired to the date of termination. Covers such items as how often an employee must be paid to the methods that may be used in the different states. Includes how and when to pay terminated employees. Webinar covers all 50 states and includes state charts for each section.