Coming next month, the federal government is reversing itself on two points. The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) is editing official guidance for property management companies and other housing providers issued in 2018. In a Jan. 2022 media release HUD affirms that housing providers are responsible and will be held accountable for lead-safe renovation/repair/painting disclosures and work-safe practices even when the work is outsourced to lead-certified firms.
Did you know that any residential property built prior to 1978 may contain paint laced with lead? Do you know why? Were you aware that lead ingested into the body is highly toxic? and that this is especially true for young children?
Are you familiar with the federal requirements related to lead-based paint in housing and your responsibilities for each? Do you know there are a couple of fair housing-related hazards?
As the owner, portfolio manager, leasing agent, or maintenance manager of a pre-78 property, YOU SHOULD KNOW:
This webinar by Industry expert Jo Becker will help you avoid the costly mistakes of others by informing you of your requirements and directing you to specifically required literature and documentation.
Despite being federal law for well over two decades, some housing providers are not aware of federal disclosure requirements for residential properties built prior to 1978. In addition, new requirements were in 2008 stipulating housing providers also disclosure prior to many repair and renovation projects in pre-78 housing. Housing providers who have tried to limit liability have found themselves in fair housing hot water.
Noncompliance with the lead-based paint requirements can be very costly – and so can fair housing cases. Learn what you need to know; sign up today!
In addition to presentation hand-outs, attendees will be provided with: