Don't let the Bed Bugs Bite – Complying with HUD's Latest Updates

Paul Flogstad

Paul Flogstad

Paul has been involved in the real estate industry for the past 38 years. He has been involved in sales, construction, project management, appraisal, mortgage consulting and brokerage, property management and property management consulting/training. Through his consulting company, Property Management Solutions, he provides training and...
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90 Mins
Paul Flogstad

Examine HUD’s bed bug policy and Integrated Pest Management Plan

The phrase "Don't let the bed bugs bite" may be used mostly in a light-hearted way, but bed bugs are nothing to joke about. Although the appearance of these pests has greatly declined since the early 1900s, many families every year still find them in their homes. There are many different methods for getting rid of bed bugs and preventing them from returning.

During the webinar, expert speaker Paul Flogstad will examine HUD’s bedbug policy and Integrated Pest Management Plan. This is a methodical plan for addressing infestations, considering what resources are available, and how to respond to inspection findings. Paul will also review HUD’s notice H 2012-5 concerning bed bugs. This webinar will cover all aspects of the bed bug problem. Paul will discuss the most effective treatment to get rid of them as well as how to identify them in the first place. There are many strategies and resources to use, and all of these various options will be discussed.

Webinar Agenda

  • History
  • Current strategies
  • Latest guidance that HUD provides for this issue

Webinar Highlights

  • What are the methods for getting rid of bed bugs?
  • What do they look like?
  • Where do they usually hide?
  • Do they carry disease?
  • How to identify bed bugs from other insects.

Who Should Attend

  • Owners
  • Managers, Leasing agents
  • Realtors
  • Property management companies
  • Compliance Staff
  • Housing authorities

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