Human Trafficking: An Increasing Public Health & Legal Concern

Dorothy Steed

Dorothy Steed

Dorothy Steed (MSLD, CCS, CDIP, COC, CPCO, CPUM, CPUR, CPHM, CPMA, ACSOP, CCS-P, RCC, RMC, CEMC, CPC-I, CFPC, PCS, FCS, CRCR, CICA, CPAR) is an Independent Healthcare Consultant and Educator in Atlanta. She was a Medicare specialist for a large hospital system and a physician audit supervisor for another hospital system, with 44 years of...
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60 Mins
Dorothy Steed

Human trafficking usually takes the form of sexual exploitation or forced labor and occurs when a trafficker uses force, fraud, or coercion to make the victim perform commercial sex or work. These acts are not only a criminal law violation, but also a public health concern affecting both victims, families, and communities. Traffickers prey on the vulnerable, young, and poor by enticing them with things they need. Vulnerable populations include runaway and homeless youth, domestic violence victims, victims of social discrimination and sexual assault

Webinar Agenda

  • Presentation will cover common signs of victimization. Would you recognize a potential victim?
  • How are victims recruited?   
  • Do you have an internal policy if trafficking is suspected? All staff trained in signs & indications of a potential victim
  • Coding for Human Trafficking
  • Patient victims may attempt to alert you to their situation
  • Do you know your state requirements for reporting suspected victimization? Could you have potential liability?

Webinar Highlights

The presentation focuses on medical entities & the likelihood of a patient victim encounter. Studies have indicated that many healthcare professionals will encounter a victim. The final part of the presentation is the story of a victim who the speaker met in a medical entity. She had the long-term effect of being a trafficking victim.

Who Should Attend

  • Physicians
  • Practice managers
  • Medical assistants
  • Nurses
  • Compliance staff
  • Billers
  • Coders
  • Counselors
  • Risk Management

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